ILLINOIS OPEN MEETINGS ACT CLOSED MEETING CERTIFICATION (5 ILCS 120/2a) 1. Name of Unit of Government: 2. Date and time of closed meeting or closed portion of a meeting: 3. Names of all members of the public body present during the closed meeting or closed portion of the meeting: 4. Each specific exception cited for closing the meeting (5 ILCS 120/2c): A. B. C. D. 5. For each of the exceptions cited, provide a general description of the subject matter discussed during the closed meeting or portion of a closed meeting: A. B. C. D. CERTIFICATION: I CERTIFY THAT I UNDERSTAND SECTION 2 OF THE ILLINOIS OPEN MEETINGS ACT AND THAT TO BE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF NO OTHER TOPIC WAS DISCUSSED DURING THE CLOSED MEETING, OR CLOSED PORTION OF THE MEETING, IN VIOLATION OF THE ILLINOIS OPEN MEETINGS ACT. Signature of Presiding Officer